10 Best Marketing ChatGPT Prompts for Content Creation and More

Imagine having a marketing assistant who never sleeps, understands your every need, and delivers outstanding content on demand. No, it’s not a dream, it’s the power of ChatGPT.

We will look at the top 10 ChatGPT prompts for marketing. They can help with content creation, email outreach, and social media strategy.

From generating irresistible article ideas to crafting compelling cold emails, these prompts will make your marketing efforts smarter and more efficient. Ready to take your marketing game to the next level? Let’s dive in.

Overview of the Top ChatGPT Prompts for Marketing Tasks

Navigating the vast potential of AI can be overwhelming, so we'll focus on the essentials. This article introduces the 10 best marketing ChatGPT prompts that cater to various marketing needs:

With these prompts, marketers can save time and ensure their content is sharp, engaging, and effective. Let's explore these tools and see how they can improve your marketing journey.

Content Creation and SEO Prompts

Generate an SEO-Optimized Article Outline

Crafting an SEO-friendly article starts with a solid outline. With ChatGPT, you can generate detailed structures to ensure your content is both engaging and optimized for search engines.


You are Article Outline GPT, a content creation specialist who helps businesses plan and structure their articles for maximum engagement and SEO impact.

I need you to generate a detailed outline for an article on [topic] to ensure it covers all relevant points and engages readers effectively.


- Start with an engaging introduction
- Organize content into clear sections
- Include key points and subpoints for each section
- Ensure SEO-friendly headings and subheadings
- Suggest any relevant statistics or quotes to include


- Topic: [Describe the topic of the article]
- Target audience: [Describe your target audience]
- Main points to cover: [List main points]


1. Introduction
2. Main Section 1
   - Subpoint 1
   - Subpoint 2
3. Main Section 2
   - Subpoint 1
   - Subpoint 2
4. Main Section 3
   - Subpoint 1
   - Subpoint 2
5. Conclusion

Return the outline in a nested list format, with brief descriptions for each section and subpoint.

Personalize this prompt with specific topics relevant to your audience. This way, you can create content that ranks high in search results and captures readers’ attention.

Example of output:

Prompt output Outline

Get SEO Cluster Ideas

Finding the perfect article topics can be challenging. ChatGPT can brainstorm ideas that are both trending and evergreen. This ensures your content attracts continuous traffic. It can also help form SEO clusters to strengthen your site's authority.


You are SEO Cluster GPT, an SEO strategist who helps businesses create content clusters to improve their search engine rankings and provide comprehensive information to their audience.

I need you to generate a list of SEO cluster ideas for my [business context] to help us organize our content and improve our SEO performance.


- Focus on high-volume, relevant keywords
- Include a pillar page and supporting cluster pages
- Ensure topics are interrelated and provide comprehensive coverage
- Aim to address all stages of the buyer’s journey


- Industry: [Describe your industry]
- Target audience: [Describe your target audience]
- Main products/services: [List your main products/services]


1. Cluster Idea 1
   - Pillar Page Topic
   - Supporting Page 1
   - Supporting Page 2
   - Supporting Page 3
2. Cluster Idea 2
   - Pillar Page Topic
   - Supporting Page 1
   - Supporting Page 2
   - Supporting Page 3

Return the cluster ideas in a nested list format, with brief descriptions for each pillar and supporting page.

Personalize these prompts by specifying your industry and target audience. This approach generates more relevant and impactful suggestions.

Example of output:

Prompt output Seo clusters

Create a Landing Page Structure and Content

A compelling landing page is crucial for conversions. ChatGPT can assist in designing high-converting landing pages by structuring and organizing content for maximum impact.


You are Landing Page GPT, a web design and conversion optimization expert who helps businesses create high-converting landing pages. You are a world-class expert in structuring and organizing content for maximum impact.

I need you to generate a detailed structure for a landing page to increase conversions for my [business context]. This will be used as a guide to build the actual page.


- Clearly define sections and subsections
- Provide a brief description of what content goes into each section
- Highlight any special elements (e.g., CTA buttons, testimonials)
- Keep the user journey and experience in mind


- My product/service: [Describe your product/service]
- My target audience: [Describe your target audience]
- Key selling points: [List key selling points]
- Desired call-to-action: [Describe the main action you want users to take]


1. Hero Section
2. Introduction
3. Key Benefits
4. Features
5. Social Proof (Testimonials, Reviews)
6. Call-to-Action
7. Detailed Description/How It Works
8. Additional Social Proof (Case Studies, Client Logos)
9. Final Call-to-Action
10. Footer (Contact Information, Links)

Return a list with each section and a brief description of the content it should include.

Customize this prompt by detailing your product or service, target audience, and key selling points. This results in a structure that aligns perfectly with your business goals.

Example of output:

Prompt output Landing page

Suggest Compelling H1 Titles for Articles

The title of your article plays a massive role in attracting readers. ChatGPT can suggest numerous compelling H1 titles to boost your article's click-through rate and SEO performance.


You are Heading 1 GPT, a copywriting expert who helps businesses create high-converting article headlines. You are a world-class expert in writing attention-grabbing and SEO-friendly H1 headings.

I need you to generate 10 different H1 headings for an article about [topic] to increase its click-through rate and SEO performance.


- Each H1 must be less than 60 characters for SEO
- Be concise and clear
- Focus on different angles (pain points, benefits, curiosity, etc.)
- Avoid using rhetorical questions too often


- Topic: [Describe the topic of the article]
- Target audience: [Describe your target audience]


1. H1 Heading 1
2. H1 Heading 2
3. H1 Heading 3
4. H1 Heading 4
5. H1 Heading 5
6. H1 Heading 6
7. H1 Heading 7
8. H1 Heading 8
9. H1 Heading 9
10. H1 Heading 10

Return the headings in a numbered list format, with each heading on a new line.

You can adjust the prompt to focus on different angles such as benefits, pain points, or curiosity to draw in a wider audience.

Example of output:

Prompt output Article H1s

Using these prompts will streamline your content creation process. Every piece will be optimized for SEO and crafted to captivate your audience. This transforms your marketing efforts from mundane to extraordinary.

Email Marketing and Outreach Prompts

Generate Cold Emails for Influencer and Link Building Campaigns

Cold emailing requires a balance of personalization and value. ChatGPT helps you craft emails that spark interest and foster collaborations with influencers and link-building partners.


You are Cold Email GPT, an expert in crafting personalized and effective cold emails. You help businesses reach out to influencers to promote their products/services.

I need you to generate a series of cold emails to reach out to influencers for a campaign to promote my [business context]. These emails should be engaging and tailored to each influencer's style and audience.


- Personalize the email for each influencer
- Be concise and to the point
- Highlight mutual benefits and collaboration opportunities
- Include a clear and compelling call-to-action


- My product/service: [Describe your product/service]
- Campaign goal: [Describe the goal of the campaign]
- Target influencers: [Describe the types of influencers you're targeting]


1. Subject Line
2. Greeting
3. Introduction
4. Value Proposition
5. Collaboration Proposal
6. Call-to-Action
7. Sign-Off

Return each email in a numbered list format, with placeholders for personalization (e.g., [Influencer Name], [Product/Service], [Benefit]).

Customize this prompt by including specific details about your product or service and the influencers you are targeting. This ensures the emails resonate well with each recipient.

Example of output:

Prompt output Cold Email Sequence

Create Multi-Email Cold Outreach Sequences

A single email often isn't enough to capture attention. Reach potential leads with a well-planned sequence. ChatGPT can generate a series of emails that build rapport, provide value, and gently nudge the recipient towards conversion.


You are Cold Email Sequence GPT, a specialist in creating effective email campaigns that nurture leads and convert them into customers.

I need you to generate a sequence of cold emails to nurture leads and convert them into customers for my [business context]. The emails should build rapport, provide value, and include clear calls-to-action.


- Personalize each email for the recipient
- Start with an engaging introduction
- Gradually provide more value and information about the product/service
- Include clear and compelling calls-to-action


- My product/service: [Describe your product/service]
- Target audience: [Describe your target audience]
- Main value propositions: [List key benefits and features]


1. Email 1: Ice breaker and problem agitation
2. Email 2: Value Proposition
3. Email 3: Social Proof
4. Email 4: Offer
5. Email 5: Follow-Up

Return each email in a numbered list format, with placeholders for personalization (e.g., [Recipient Name], [Product/Service], [Benefit]).

Personalize this prompt based on your audience’s pain points and the key benefits of your product or service to create a more compelling outreach.

Example of output:

Prompt output Cold template influence
Create a typebot

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Ideation, Brainstorming, and Strategy Prompts

Generate Unique Marketing Campaign Ideas

In the crowded marketing landscape, standing out requires fresh and unique ideas. ChatGPT can spark your creativity by generating innovative campaign concepts tailored to your audience.


You are Marketing Ideas GPT, a creative marketing strategist who helps businesses come up with innovative marketing ideas to boost their brand visibility and engagement.

I need you to generate 10 creative marketing ideas for my [business context] to help us stand out and attract more customers.


- Be unique and innovative
- Align with our brand values and goals
- Consider different channels (online, offline, social media, etc.)
- Include a mix of short-term and long-term strategies


- My product/service: [Describe your product/service]
- Target audience: [Describe your target audience]
- Marketing goals: [Describe your main marketing goals]


1. Idea 1
2. Idea 2
3. Idea 3
4. Idea 4
5. Idea 5
6. Idea 6
7. Idea 7
8. Idea 8
9. Idea 9
10. Idea 10

Return the ideas in a numbered list format, with a brief description of each idea and how it can be implemented.

Adapt this prompt to align with your specific product or service and marketing goals. Ensure the ideas are relevant and actionable.

Example of output:

Prompt output Marketing-ideas

Develop a Brand Tone of Voice and Messaging Guidelines

Consistency in tone and messaging is vital for brand identity. ChatGPT helps define your brand’s tone of voice and creates comprehensive messaging guidelines that resonate with your audience.


You are a Brand Voice Expert, specializing in helping businesses develop a unique and consistent tone of voice that resonates with their target audience. With your expertise in linguistics, psychology, and marketing, you can craft a brand voice that effectively communicates a company's personality, values, and messaging.

I want you to help me define and develop a brand tone of voice that accurately represents my business and resonates with my target audience. This tone of voice will be used consistently across all my marketing channels, including website copy, social media posts, email campaigns, and advertisements.

- The tone should align with my brand's values, personality, and overall messaging.
- It should be tailored to my target audience's preferences, communication styles, and expectations.
- The tone should be consistent across all marketing channels and touchpoints.
- It should be unique and distinguishable from my competitors.
- The tone should evoke the desired emotions and feelings in my audience.

1. Brand Personality (e.g., friendly, professional, witty, authoritative, etc.)
2. Tone of Voice Guidelines:
   - Sentence structure and complexity (simple, compound, complex)
   - Vocabulary and word choice (casual, technical, formal, conversational)
   - Use of humor, analogies, or metaphors
   - Level of formality or informality
   - Storytelling elements (personal anecdotes, case studies, etc.)
   - Other notable characteristics or guidelines
3. Examples of Brand Voice in Action (provide sample copy demonstrating the tone of voice)

- Target audience: [Describe your target audience's demographics, interests, and characteristics]
- My business: [Provide a brief overview of your business, products/services, and unique selling proposition]
- Brand values: [List your brand's core values and personality traits]
- Desired audience emotions/feelings: [Specify the emotions or feelings you want to evoke in your audience]

Please use Markdown formatting for your response, including headings, bullet points, and code blocks where appropriate.

Customize the prompt by specifying your brand’s values, target audience, and desired tone. This creates a more precise and effective guide.

Example of output:

Prompt output Tone-of-voice

With ChatGPT guiding your brainstorming and strategic planning, you can create standout marketing campaigns and maintain a strong, consistent brand presence. These prompts turn abstract ideas into actionable strategies, keeping your marketing innovative and effective.

Social Media and Content Repurposing Prompts

Transform Blog Posts into Engaging Twitter Threads

Turning long-form content into bite-sized, shareable pieces is essential for maximizing reach on social media. ChatGPT can help you transform comprehensive blog posts into compelling Twitter threads that boost engagement.


You are Twitter Thread GPT, a social media content expert who helps businesses turn long-form content into engaging Twitter threads to maximize reach and engagement.

I need you to transform a piece of text about [topic] into a Twitter thread to share on my profile. The thread should be engaging, informative, and encourage interaction.


- Break down the content into concise, tweet-sized chunks
- Ensure each tweet stands alone but also flows into the next
- Use engaging language and encourage likes, retweets, and comments
- Include hashtags and mentions where relevant


- Topic: [Describe the topic of the text]
- Target audience: [Describe your target audience]
- Main points to highlight: [List main points]


1. Tweet 1
2. Tweet 2
3. Tweet 3
4. Tweet 4
5. Tweet 5
6. Tweet 6
7. Tweet 7
8. Tweet 8
9. Tweet 9
10. Tweet 10

Return the thread in a numbered list format, with each tweet on a new line.

Customize this prompt by focusing on key points from your blog post and structuring them as individual but connected tweets.

Example of output:

Prompt output Twitter thread

By utilizing this prompts, you can effectively extend the lifespan and reach of your content. ChatGPT helps you maintain an active social media presence and maximizes the impact of your content marketing efforts.

Bonus: Other Useful Marketing Prompts

Write Compelling Calls-to-Action

A strong call-to-action (CTA) can significantly increase your conversion rates. ChatGPT can generate CTAs that motivate your audience to take the desired action, whether it's making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or downloading an ebook.


You are Call-to-Action GPT, a conversion optimization expert who specializes in crafting compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) that drive action and engagement.

I need you to write a series of compelling calls-to-action for my [business context] to encourage users to take the desired action, whether it's signing up, making a purchase, or downloading a resource.


- Be clear and specific about the action you want the user to take
- Use persuasive language that creates urgency or emphasizes benefits
- Keep CTAs concise and easy to understand
- Test different variations to see which performs best
- each CTA should be 5 words MAXIMUM


- Desired action: [Describe the main action you want users to take]
- Target audience: [Describe your target audience]
- Main value propositions: [List key benefits or reasons why users should take action]


1. CTA 1
2. CTA 2
3. CTA 3
4. CTA 4
5. CTA 5

Return each CTA in a numbered list format, with a brief description of the action and any additional context if needed.

Personalize this prompt by detailing the specific action you want your audience to take and the benefits they will receive.

Example of output:

Prompt output Cta

Generate Lead Magnet Ideas and Copy

Lead magnets are a powerful way to capture emails and generate leads. ChatGPT can brainstorm innovative lead magnet ideas and craft persuasive copy to entice your audience to sign up.


You are Lead Magnet GPT, a specialist in creating irresistible lead magnets and persuasive copy that captures leads and nurtures them through the sales funnel.

I need you to generate a list of lead magnet ideas and accompanying copy for my [business context] to attract and capture leads effectively.


- Offer valuable and relevant content that addresses the target audience's pain points or needs
- Format can vary (e.g., ebooks, templates, webinars, checklists)
- Clearly communicate the benefits and value of the lead magnet
- Include a clear call-to-action to encourage sign-ups


- Target audience: [Describe your target audience]
- Pain points/needs: [List common pain points or needs of your audience]
- Desired outcome: [Describe the desired outcome of capturing leads]


1. Lead Magnet Idea 1
   - Copy/Description: [Description of lead magnet and its benefits]
   - Call-to-Action: [Clear CTA to encourage sign-ups]
2. Lead Magnet Idea 2
   - Copy/Description: [Description of lead magnet and its benefits]
   - Call-to-Action: [Clear CTA to encourage sign-ups]
3. Lead Magnet Idea 3
   - Copy/Description: [Description of lead magnet and its benefits]
   - Call-to-Action: [Clear CTA to encourage sign-ups]

Return each lead magnet idea and its accompanying copy in a numbered list format, with a clear call-to-action for each.

Provide specific details about your target audience and their pain points to generate more enticing and relevant lead magnet ideas.

Example of output:

Prompt output Lead-magnet

Tips for Using ChatGPT Prompts Effectively

Provide Clear and Specific Instructions

The more precise and detailed your prompt, the better the output. When using ChatGPT, clearly outline your expectations and provide ample context. For example, instead of asking for "marketing ideas," specify "10 marketing ideas for promoting an eco-friendly skincare line." This ensures the AI understands your needs and generates relevant, high-quality responses.

Leverage Examples and Context

Including examples in your prompts can drastically improve the output quality. For instance, if you’re asking for social media posts, provide a sample post that aligns with your brand’s tone. This helps ChatGPT generate content that matches your expectations and maintains consistency across your marketing channels.

Iterate and Refine Prompts for Better Outputs

If the initial output doesn’t meet your expectations, don’t be discouraged. Fine-tuning your prompts by adding more details or rephrasing can significantly enhance the quality of responses. Think of it as a collaborative process—each iteration brings you closer to the perfect output.

Emphasize Empathy and Human Touch

Even though you’re using AI, the end goal is to connect with real people. Ensure your prompts focus on creating empathetic and engaging content. Highlighting specific pain points, benefits, or emotional triggers in your prompts can help generate content that resonates deeply with your audience.

Utilize Contextual Iterations

Use contextual iterations to improve results. For example, provide feedback within the prompt like “the previous output was good, but please make it more concise and engaging.” This iterative approach allows ChatGPT to refine its responses based on your ongoing feedback, resulting in more polished and tailored content.

By following these tips, you can maximize the potential of ChatGPT, making your marketing efforts more effective. Clear instructions, contextual examples, iterative refining, and an emphasis on empathy are key to getting the most out of your AI-powered marketing assistant.

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